Programme installation / upgrade

    • August 30, 2015 at 2:16 pm #46091
      Peter Ward
      Pilot Pro

      Holidays have kept me away from posting following feedback…now will try and catch up but some of the detail might be sketchy!

      Normal download of programme update from V3 to V4 was not possible on my machine, and it had to be managed by support, who created a new installation rather than update the version 3 install.

      All was ok with just two comments to make…1.) Catalogue files, where previously I had set trade and retail factors via catalog administration, and which did not require any further setting when catalogue content was subsequently updated, now were flagged up every time the programme was started as catalogues requiring update. The update required was a re-establishing of the factor file. This irritation has been removed by hiding the update reminders for thes particular catalogues. 2.) Lost a couple of my ribbon shortcuts which have had to be re-established, eg I exported images to the desktop for subsequent processing within a photo-editor via a shortcut set up in options/customise. Change to the menu structure meant these disappeared but were able to be re-set. 3.) Since first installation, programme has subsequently gone through upgrade option, without fault. In fact, it is a much slicker process and whereas I was previously always nervous about losing ppprefs, my confidence hs now returned!

    • September 1, 2015 at 4:33 am #46381
      Anthony Vicario

      Installer has been much improved since earlier release due to custom embedded scripts within installer.

      Thanks for your feedback.

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