How do I Reduce a Rom File Size

    • June 6, 2015 at 8:45 am #31964
      Pilot Pro

      Please help, is there any way I can reduce a rom file size even after deleting all graphics and lights from design.

      This file is 15mb and must be bloated because it takes ages for Fusion to close.

      Regards David

    • June 8, 2015 at 8:50 am #31974
      Jim Smalley
      2020 Moderator

      Hi David – thanks for joining the 2020 forum and posting your question.

      There are a few reasons why a design file can become very large:

      – Many examples of SketchUp import files within the design (perhaps these are the graphics you are referring to)

      – Large ‘Design Attachments’

      – Textures/materials imported for the specific design – the imported file size could have been very large.

      If none of these suggestions resolve your specific circumstance, please contact the 2020 Fusion Support helpline, who would be able to provide you with further guidance or review the specific design file with you.

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