General running observations

    • August 30, 2015 at 3:17 pm #46092
      Peter Ward
      Pilot Pro

      In no particular order…..

      Opening V3 ROM files in V4 generated unusual high frequency of crash. always recoverable, but always with some loss of progress. This problem not experienced with new rooms, generated in V4.

      After applying a dimension (Annotate/ Dimension), the tab reverts to View as if by default. Would prefer to manage this selection as the user.

      In plan view print preview (Ctrl-P), the printed output defaults to draft render, rather than preferred wire-frame. Elevations views are ok, with white fill default for printed output.

      The good news however is return of use of the return  (enter) key to instigate printing rather than having to navigate to the on-screen print button to start printing. This is so helpful.

      Render times are faster, or so it seems to me.

      Step backwards: after export of a rendered image to the desktop, the screen does not re-draw unless you prompt it to. So no visual indicator that the export has completed, whereas previously in V3, the screen would re-draw after the export and gave the signal that you could then halt the re-draw render.

      Step forwards: it is now very easy to stop the re-draw render with a simple mouse click.

      So far looking very good

    • September 1, 2015 at 4:30 am #46380
      Anthony Vicario

      Thanks for your feedback Peter.

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