The 2020 Fusion v7 release includes a new high-quality rendering option, the ability to create multi-point 360° panoramas and new functionality to easily save and recall post-processing effects.
What’s new in 2020 Fusion version 7?
- We’ve added a brand-new ‘Publish’ rendering option that includes soft reflections, soft shadows and added refinement.
- With the latest enhancements made to the 360° panorama feature, designers can now showcase their designs from different viewpoints within the same published URL.
- Easily reapply your favourite post-processing effects with new ‘save and recall’ functionality.
- A range of new functions have also been added to help you to annotate your designs even more effectively. Designers now have the ability to define custom colours for manual annotation, define separate defaults for automatic and manual annotation, as well as the ability to modify auto-dimension and auto-annotation font sizes for existing designs.
- 2020 Fusion Version 7 now offers a dedicated Help ribbon, providing designers with quick and easy access to a wide range of reference materials and user assistance.