Sharp publishes catalog content online for thousands of dealers and designers who use 2020’s professional interior design applications. The 2020 Accredited Manufacturer logo together with the 2020 Certified Content logo give the assurance that their catalog(s) are of the highest quality.

Sharp is dedicated to improving people’s lives through the use of advanced technology and a commitment to innovation, quality, value, and design. Whatever your needs or style, Sharp brand microwave ovens have the features and options you want.
Microwave drawers design for your dream kitchen. Countertop microwaves with optional trim kits for a variety of placement options. And Supersteam+ Oven, the only microwave oven that grills purely with superheated steam. The size, style and placement options to fit your needs, a range of user-friendly features for easy cooking and cleanup, and decades of experience for performance you can trust.
For more information, please visit sharpusa.com.
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