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Tudelü DECO Series or UP Series wall systems are for living and commercial spaces. The retractable wall systems allow you to optimize any room with a custom, motor operated, retractable wall system that’s easy to use, with sound and/or visibility control. Ideal for event spaces, meeting rooms, and classrooms.
Visual Control: The DECO Series will divide any space and maximize your floor plan. Used in Homes, Apartments, Hotels, Kitchens, Baths, Storage Areas, Closets, Schools and Businesses.
Sound Control: Enjoy the acoustic control of real walls without the bulk and immobility. Choose from 31, 46, or 53 STC rating Tudelü UP Series wall systems. From private meetings to large events, experience the freedom of sound-controlled rooms.
Seamless: The Tudelü UP Series wall system is flush with your ceiling, floor, and existing walls. There are no doors, hinges, or floor track system. The retractable wall rolls into a ceiling compartment for invisible storage. Needing only 12” in height for full concealment.
Easy to Use: Open or close any space in seconds with the push of a button. The motorized wall system moves up and down effortlessly with a remote control or key mechanism. Quickly and easily change room sizes on short notice.
Finishes: Match the decor of any space with felt, chilewich, or woven vinyl finishes. Customize the Tudelü DECO Series and UP Series wall systems with their own design. The wall is zippered into the mount so you can change the wall for the seasons or redecoration.
For more information, please visit tudelu.com.
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