2020 Customer Spotlight
“The moment I held my first crayon, I discovered my love for art,” says Christina O’Brien, winner of the 2020 Office Inspiration Awards in the Collaborative Spaces category. She and her family enjoyed traveling the USA and abroad. Each new locale further fueled her imagination and influenced her craft. Christina was painting wild horses galloping along white sandy beaches, lush mountain trail landscapes, and people’s portraits at a young age. Growing up in a beach town on the east coast molded her relaxed artistic style.
In her teens, Christina became an art mentor to Girl Scouts, an English as a Second Language tutor, and volunteered with animal rescue organizations and local libraries. While attending Old Dominion University, Christina focused on marketing, advertising, and graphic design. Upon graduation, she moved to the Midwest and worked for a non-profit organization until Express Office Furniture found her.
“Office furniture and design was a new challenge and exciting adventure,” explains Christina. “EOF gives me the opportunity to use my art, graphic design, and marketing skills daily.” Christina is constantly learning and bettering her abilities, and says she is “so fortunate to have become a part of this wonderful company and team.”
Question & Answer Session
Q: When did you start using 2020 Visual Impression and what were some of your reasons for choosing that software?
I began using 2020 Visual Impression over a year ago. I enjoy bringing my customers’ visions to life, so they can “see” their future offices.
Q: What are some of the most helpful features you use in 2020 Visual Impression and why?
It can be hard to envision spaces. 2020 Visual Impression’s features and details, from flooring to accessories, make each office a room that anyone would want to work in.

About the Designer
Christina O’Brien
Express Office Furniture
Favorite design style:
Contemporary and rustic-meets-modern-elegance
Favorite paint color:
Favorite book:
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
Quote that inspires you:
“Strive to learn something new each day – when the day has ended, if we learned even one new thing, then our day was worthwhile.” — Marie Kaser
Q: What has been your experience working with 2020 (support, training, sales, etc.)?
My company and I have worked extensively with 2020 in uploading our inventory and products onto their site. I also appreciate the training seminars that 2020 offers.
Q: What was the inspiration behind the design you submitted for the 2020 Office contest?
My 2020 Office design submission was our Lair “Dogbone” configuration. The scene portrays contemporary Kansas City spirit with a focus on collaborative balance.
Q: Describe your creative process. What questions do you ask your clients? Where do you get your inspirations from?
I ask my clients for as many details as possible. Since I am tasked with creating their visions, and office furniture can be very personal, I need to understand their inspirations first. I find my own inspirations everywhere – nature, contemporary designs, artworks, photographs, and Pinterest boards. I am always searching for new inspirations.
Q: What is your favorite style of office to design?
Designing affordable, private executive offices is my favorite. I enjoy creating professional and exclusive spaces with hints of earthy elements. Our Status series of desks has the perfect balance of elegance mixed with beautiful color options, modern styling, and storage enhancements.
Q: What are some of your favorite manufacturer catalogs to use in your design projects?
I use Express Office Furniture products exclusively. They carry so many affordable options in stock and have something for every office and style.
Q: What guidance would you provide to any designer who is considering 3D CAD tools for office design?
Any designer who is considering 3D CAD tools for office design needs to understand that these tools are becoming a necessity. The evolving technology in the office design world is headed towards 3D computer-generated visualizations of floorplans and designs.
Q: What do you predict for office design trends in the future?
I predict that offices are going to further seek a balance between privacy and collaboration. Technology will continue to be integrated into the office landscape, while natural elements will continue to be brought inside the work environment. Collaborative spaces will become more dual-purposed and private offices will become aspirations.
Q: Tell us something unusual that has happened in your career.
I met my husband, Tom, at Express Office Furniture. We were married in June this year!
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