2020 Customer Spotlight
When this pandemic started, I started learning 2020 software to help my partner with his business. He needed me to help create renderings to go along with quotes for the multi-family projects he bids on with his cabinet company. My first few challenges came and went quickly as I learned the software better. My biggest success will always be my first client, who took a chance and allowed me to work on their remodel. They just finished installing recently, and I am so happy to see a kitchen I created come to life just a few months after learning this software.
Question & Answer Session
When did you start using 2020 Design/2020 Design Live?
April 2020.
What were some of the reasons for selecting 2020 Design/2020 Design Live?
It has the catalogs for the cabinet brand I love the most, Nobilia.
What do you consider the most beneficial features of 2020 Design/2020 Design Live to help improve your business?
I love that there are easy ways to change colors on multiple things and edit multiple items dimensions at the same time. It’s also easy to maneuver lighting and the sun effect.
Do you use 2020 catalogs? If yes, what values have you gained?
I love using the catalogs from manufacturers and the sample catalogs. The sample catalogs allow me to show clients examples of different door styles if they aren’t yet sure what they are looking for.
About the Designer
Crystal Bright
3D Bright Designs
Favorite design style:
Favorite color:
Wood grain textures
Favorite industry site/blog:
I have learned so much from speaking to other designers in specific Facebook groups and Instagram.
Favorite designer:
Jamie Drake
Quote that inspires you:
“It’s either done right or not at all.”
What has been your experience working with 2020 (support, training, sales, etc.)?
Support has been incredible. I wouldn’t be able to do any of this if it weren’t for the tutorial I was shown from the website after I got the trial.
Tell us about a 2020 Design/2020 Design Live project you’ve completed that makes you proud. What was the inspiration behind the design? What tools and techniques did you use to close the deal?
I am most proud of a project I did for a client who had another designer create a design which didn’t give her everything she wanted. I am proud that my design was exactly what she wanted and was presented to her in a beautiful way which impressed her. The other designer used the same software but didn’t utilize all the tools available including “reports” and beautiful textures in renderings.
Describe your creative process. What questions do you ask your clients before you begin a project? What information is most helpful to you?
It’s most helpful to know the overall vibe of the space they want to create. Even if they can’t envision it yet, it’s the most important job for me to create a mood and cater to their own desired style.
What guidance would you provide to any designer who is considering 3D CAD tools for interior design?
I would tell all designers that there are always more ways to learn and more ways to push your limits, there will always be solutions to every problem, and make sure to take the time to present something you are proud of.
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